Friday 30 May 2014

How great leaders inspires action!!!

About a month ago, I made a discovery and this discovery profoundly change my view on how I thought the world work and profoundly change in which I operate in it; as it turns out there's a pattern and all the great leaders in all the organizations in the world whether it is Martin Luther King, Wright Brothers or Apple, they all think, act and communicate the exact same way and it is complete opposite way to everyone else. 
All I did here was "codified" and it's the world simplest idea - "The Golden Circle"- WHY, HOW and WHAT

 This Little idea explains- why some organizations and some leaders able to inspire when others aren't; 

Every single organization knows -  what they do and How they do but few organizations know why they do     

Why is always a result, it defines - Why your purpose, need and cause? and Why your organization exists? 

Many times most of the organizations communicates from OUTSIDE-IN from the most clearest thing to the most fussiest thing (from WHAT to WHY) but the most inspiring organization regardless of their size, regardless of their industry all think, act and communicates INSIDE-OUT

For example lets talk about most of the Service or manufacturing companies  they actually conveys the message to the world as  (WHAT) We make great computers, (HOW)- They are beautifully designed, simple to use and user friendly;  that's how most of them communicates and that's how most of the marketing and sales done. They just say what we and do, how we do and they expect some sort of behavioural change of a purchaser or client. Which is completely uninspirable. 

Here is how few inspiring organizations communicates - (WHY)  things we do we believe in challenging the status quo, We believe in thinking differently, the way we challenge the status quo is (HOW) we make our products beautifully designed, simple to use and user friendly and (WHAT)- we just happened to make a great computers.

All I did here  is reverse the order, people or the client just don't care about what you do or How you do, they care about WHY you do

The goal with everyone is not to do business in what you have; the goal is to do business to believe in "What you believe". Its all grounded in the tenderness of biology not psychology.

If you look at the cross section of the human brain from top down it is broken into three major components that exactly goes with the golden circle. The outer coat or neo cortex is responsible for all rational thinking, analytical fort and language;  the middle two sections are made up of the limbic brains which is responsible for all our feelings like trust, loyalty, also responsible for all the human behaviour and decision making that has no capacity for language.

In other words what people communicates OUTSIDE-IN, yes everyone can understand the vast amount of complicated information like features, benefits, facts and figures but when we talk inside-out, information narrow down directly into the brain that behaves and allow people to rationalize all the tangible things that people say.

This is how great leaders inspire actions They make you believe what they believe and they are driven by a cause, by a purpose and by a belief.

These are few qualities of being a great leader:

1. Self-awareness
2; Self-regulation
3. Self- motivation
3. Empathy
5. Social skills